All English or /int/ernational posters post here! Cmon! How many of you are there!? [無断転載禁止]©
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∧∧ ∩
( ゚ω゚ ) /
ハハ ⊂ ノ ハハ
('(゚ω゚`∩ (つ ノ ∩´゚ω゚)')
ハハ ヽ 〈 (ノ 〉 / ハハ
('(゚ω゚`∩ ヽヽ_) (_ノ ノ ∩´゚ω゚)')
O,_ 〈 〉 ,_O
`ヽ_) (_/ ´
ハハ j o r t s ! ハハ
⊂(゚ω゚⊂⌒`⊃ ⊂´⌒⊃゚ω゚)⊃
(( n n )) (( n n ))
(ヨ ). ハ,,ハ ( E),、 , (ヨ ) ハ,,ハ ( E)
\\ ( ゚ω゚ )/ / ヽ、,,./ ヽ、\( ゚ω゚ )//
ヽ <∞> / .\ <∞> /
__/ <V>/ ○ ○ \<V> \__
/⌒ヽ 。゚ 。゚/ \゚。 ゚。 /⌒ヽ
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く⊃ ⊂ノ Bonjour ξ ・_>・)
I mean, Hello. Donald Trump The Golden Hair.
Donald Trump My Love. >go on japanese squid fishing board
>post in korean
>trigger nips
what did he mean by this?
OwO All your base are belong to asshole! Le pure english poster here Hey, a bunch of doujinshi artists from Japan's art is being stolen and sold by someone
ねえ、日本のアートの同人誌アーティストの束が誰かに盗まれて売られています My favorite bread is shimapan.
(I doubt there are many foreign posters nowadays, since US IP addresses are banned.) I'm an English speaker in Canada and I'm so God damn confused about how this site works
I also can't read anything
epic can you explain the meaning of the phrase "tonight love is rationed across the nation"??
its a phrase of a song. I cant see the meaning... I think it means love is spread out to everyone. The word 'ration' is a metaphor. Can't believe that this thread is here from 3 years ago. Chin chin shoot! shoot! shoot! ■ このスレッドは過去ログ倉庫に格納されています