■ このスレッドは過去ログ倉庫に格納されています
0001Roots ALOMA BLACK2006/11/10(金) 22:53:56ID:???
0016Mr.anonymous2007/10/05(金) 20:27:54ID:???
I like fist fucks. I have a feeling that an arm became the penis.
0017Mr.anonymous2007/10/05(金) 20:33:09ID:???
It is terrible.
By the way, is a partner a woman?
0018Mr.anonymous2007/10/05(金) 20:43:01ID:???
Her vagina is big deeply. I am very attractive.
0019Mr.anonymous2007/10/05(金) 20:57:08ID:???
It is splendid!
0020Mr.anonymous2007/10/05(金) 22:27:02ID:???
The landfill completion of the previous thread!
0022Mr.anonymous2007/10/12(金) 11:41:47ID:???
A refuge of Mr. TABACCO.
*Attention: The erotic conversation is not possible.
A carrying out of contents written on this bulletin board is prohibition entirely.
I do it to 2,007.11.24 for the period of use of this bulletin board.
0023Mr.anonymous2007/10/17(水) 01:09:59ID:???
I can use >>22 to 11/24 as a refuge.

0024Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★2008/02/03(日) 16:00:38ID:???
0025Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★2008/02/03(日) 16:01:55ID:???
ど てすと
0026浜州2008/02/11(月) 15:48:02ID:EvaCeSuS
I had an unprotected anal intercourse with an escort last night. I think I'd die pretty soon. Please take care of the earth...
0027 2008/05/01(木) 04:48:21ID:???
0028 2008/05/10(土) 15:43:55ID:???
0029 2008/05/14(水) 19:51:25ID:???
I was plodding through one more hour of homework at my study desk when I heard my sister's playful voice.

"Hey big brother. Whatcha up to?" Julie said as she leaned into my room.

"Killing myself with calculus."

"Calculus? School's almost out for the year! You've got to stop studying so hard Tim-bo, you make me look bad with your straight A-s."

She was on her way up from tanning in the back yard and had on one of her skimpy bikinis.
The sight of her petite, sexy frame in that flimsy suit was a welcome break from my studies.

"Besides, I need an opinion on my new tan." She continued as she pulled one side of her bikini top over to show her small, evenly tanned breast.
I noted the lack of tan lines. She'd been sun bathing topless as usual. She must have put the top on just to make a show of flashing herself to me.

"Got to think about college Jules, but I'll gladly take a break to check out a sexy body." I said as I eyed her exposed tit.

"Aw, Tim, You really think my body's sexy?" she asked and released the cup of her bikini top which slid back over but caught on her now erect nipple keeping her exposed.
She slid her hands down her tummy and hips seductively, stopping to work her fingers under the hem of her bikini bottom and pull it up tight into her slit.
0030 2008/05/17(土) 14:52:52ID:???
whyte ppl i hate u cuz

* 1. u all racist
* 2. u pale as hell
* 3. u fuckin stupid
* 4. u stereotype niggas cuz u all dumb
* 5. ur fat
* 6. u look like marshmellows
* 7. u look like gluesticks
* 8. u close minded
* 9. u jus straight up bitch
* 10. u make me sick
* 11. u all like fishin for sum reason
* 12. u all have dogs
* 13. u think u a good race when u aint even human
* 14.u look ugly as hell
* 15.u a disgrace
* 16. u think u know bout niggas so much when u dont
* 17. u all got faggot ass voices
* 18. u speak like british ppl
* 19. u all gay
* 20. u have no place in hiphop so u shud stop listenin to it
0031Mr.anonymous2008/06/04(水) 10:14:02ID:fVXlklGw
go fuck yourself nigger!!!
0032 2008/06/13(金) 12:57:35ID:???
My fellow Americans:

As your future President I want to thank my supporters, for your mindless support of me, despite my complete lack of any legislative

my pastor's relations with Louis Farrakhan and Libyan dictator Moamar Quadafi, or my blatantly leftist voting record while I present myself as

some sort of bi-partisan agent of change.

I also like how my supporters claim my youthful drug use and criminal behavior somehow qualifies me for the Presidency after 8 years of

claiming Bush's youthful drinking disqualifies him.
Your hypocrisy is a beacon of hope shining over a sea of political posing.

I would also like to thank the Kennedy's for coming out in support of me.
There's a lot of glamour behind the Kennedy name, even though JFK started the Vietnam War,his brother Robert illegally wiretapped Martin

Luther King, Jr.
and Teddy killed a female employee with whom he was having an extra marital affair and who was pregnant with his child.
And I'm not going anywhere near the cousins, both literally and figuratively.
And I'd like to thank Oprah Winfrey for her support. Her love of meaningless empty platitudes will be the force that propels me to the White


Americans should vote for me, not because of my lack of experience or achievement, but because I make people feel good.
Voting for me causes some white folk to feel relieved of their imagined, racist guilt.
I say things that sound meaningful, but don't really mean anything because Americans are tired of things having meaning.
If things have meaning,then that means you have to think about them. Americans are tired of thinking.
It's time to shut down the brain, and open up the heart.
So when you go to vote in the fall election, remember don't think, just do. And do it for me.

Thank You.
Barack Hussein Obama, Jr.
0033Mr.anonymous2008/06/19(木) 18:51:40ID:???
"Animated," he said.

This prayer the holy saurian didst impart upon his loyal followers,

the seventh hour of the fourth day of the eleventh month, during

the festival of loli-worship.

The prayer of RaptorJesus:

Our Raptor,

Who art in /h/eaven,

shopped be Thy face;

Thy donations come,

Thy posts be done

in /b/ as it is in /h/eaven.

Give us this day our daily Bridget;

and forgive us our trolling

as we forgive those who troll against us,

and lead us definitely into faggotry,

but deliver us from /fur/ry.

In the name of the moot, the Raptor, and the Holy Server,

0034Mr.anonymous2008/06/20(金) 21:14:21ID:???
hey /b/.
I've been lurking on /b/ for about 4 decades. Back before there were "oldfags" and "newfags".
Back before /b/ became a place for angry teenagers to get a sense of belonging and power.
Back before there were any of these Fight-club style rules. Back before /b/ was serious

I look at /b/ now, and it has become what ebaumsworld was back then - and is still like today:
A place of internet tough and cool trannies trying to impress each other. It's pathetic.

/b/ is an image board. It's definitely a place to act cool, tough or desensitized. You aren't
part of a gang. You aren't part of an army. /b/ is for funny and random pictures and posts,
nothing more.
0035Mr.anonymous2008/06/24(火) 17:18:57ID:???

> 1. The aim of this report is not to question or to fight a belief ? the right to freedom of belief does not permit that. The aim is to warn against certain tendencies to pass off a belief as science.
It is necessary to separate belief from science. It is not a matter of antagonism. Science and belief must be able to coexist. It is not a matter of opposing belief and science, but it is necessary to prevent belief from opposing science.

Stopped reading there.

There is NO evidence of evolution. It is a belief. Objective science doesn't support evolution no matter how many frauds and hoaxes are fabricated to support evolution. The truth always trickles out.

Life doesn't just happen. That alone totally defies the Laws of Science.

The Judeo Christian G-D, made it happen. G-d is the Author of all science. It is no coincidence that leading evolutionists are atheists. THAT is by design. These atheistic evolutionists do not find G-d acceptable in their premises.
Their premise is that there is NO G-D.
Post too long. Click to view the whole post or the thread page.
0036Mr.anonymous2008/10/14(火) 21:49:03ID:???
0037 ◆3KemOnO.wI 2008/10/20(月) 22:39:39ID:???
0040Mr.anonymous2010/04/21(水) 19:35:10ID:wSSJhwS2

0042Mr.anonymous2011/03/02(水) 22:14:12.64ID:3q7IVB1Y
0066Mr.anonymous2012/05/27(日) 09:48:09.22ID:2106E9h+
0067lopost glaza2012/06/09(土) 20:33:09.56ID:uMRrn2rO
oh shiiiiiii t.
WHere am I?
0070Mr.anonymous2012/11/03(土) 17:45:17.11ID:???
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0071Mr.anonymous2012/11/03(土) 18:33:40.31ID:???
                           /: : : : : : : : : :/: : : : : : ト : :/ : : : : /: : :.
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                       j{   .|: : : : :| 乂:|x、∨:/ ノ-==x、.!: : : : : !:}  
                       乂  |: : : : :K f::::rハ     イ:::rハヾ:: : : : ::|
                           |: : : :: l  ゞ- '      ゞ- ' ノ: : : : :リ
.                          乂: : : ハ ""   '   ""  .: : : : /
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0073Mr.anonymous2013/01/11(金) 18:57:22.47ID:???
SALA DA UTOPIA #13 First 2013

1 Gingle + Comments
By Sala Da Utopia

2 Do Chao A Cumeeira
By Itibere Orquestra Familia (Contrastes)

3 Blues In Exile
By Hasidic New Wave (Psycho Semitic)

4 Moroccan Taxi
By Free Planet Radio (The Unraveling)

5 Falling Away
By Henry Cow (Western Culture)

6 God Times Bad Times
By Michal Urbaniak Fusion

7 Violence
By The Keith Tippett Group (You Are Here... I Am There)

8 Moment Notice
By John Coltrane (The Art Of John Coltrane)

9 Traz Outro Amigo Tambem
By Ze Eduardo Unit (A Jazzar No Zeca) Portugal

10 Harhazial
By Erik Friedlander (Live At Auditorium Parco Della Musica Rome - Bootleg)
0074Mr.anonymous2013/01/14(月) 06:59:08.96ID:N6tQfydB



















0075Mr.anonymous2013/01/14(月) 14:53:15.60ID:???

1 Gingle + Comments

2 Laughin Photograph
By Tipographica (God Says I Can't Dance)

3 Come Trasformare Il Divertimento In Tragedia
By Neo (Water Resistence)

4 Baksteri
By Hoyry Kone (Huono Parturi)

5 Un Pied Dans Le Caniveau
By Richard Galliano & Jean Charles Capon (Blues Sur Seine)

6 Vagabond
By Ulf Wakenius (Vagabond)

7 Epistrofunk
By Oz Noy (Fuzzy)

8 This Or That
By Alain Caron (Sep7entrion)

9 Hupfer
By Frank Mobus (Love Me Tender)

10 Also Sprach Zarathustra
By Eumir Deodato (Prelude)

11 Passion Dance
By Doug Carn (Infant Eyes)

12 Surface Suite - Eat
By Rodrigo Amado / Carlos Zingaro /Tomas Ulrich / Ken Filiano (Surface - For Alto Baritone And Strings) Portugal
0076Mr.anonymous2013/03/08(金) 10:09:55.33ID:C4xOJpv/
      |   \ キリキリ
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     ) )    {i:i:i:i:i:i:i:i:}
     ( (    ( ´・ω・)、
           (O ⌒ )O
0080Mr.anonymous2013/06/21(金) 02:42:29.87ID:V1n/Kina
0082Mr.anonymous2014/10/12(日) 05:53:30.08ID:???
  /,'3  ヽーっ
 |  ⊃ ⌒_つ
0083Mr.anonymous2014/12/27(土) 21:08:54.27ID:B5J3eJw7
0084Mr.anonymous2015/09/28(月) 10:18:43.12ID:???
原貴則 追い出し部屋 所得隠し 詐欺 大損 不祥事 社内カースト 射精 反社会的企業
原 貴則 搾取 不正 ロリ-タコンプレックス 過労自殺 工作 法律違反 枕営業 初体験
原貴則 圧力 詐欺 遅漏 圧迫面接 未成年喫煙 暴力団 脱法 著作権侵害
原 貴則 有印私文書偽造罪 公文書偽造罪 押し売り 賃金不払い 情報漏洩 陰茎 架空請求 買収
原貴則 汁男優 性病 隠蔽 消える企業 元公安 真珠様陰茎小丘疹 強制残業 性交
ノマドスタイル株式会社 ひかりの輪 退職強要 フィッシング詐欺 偽計業務妨害 クラッシャー上司 マザコン マラ 本番
ノマドスタイル株式会社 労基法違反 ブルセラ 違法企業 損害賠償 産業スパイ パワハラ 去勢 ドラッグ
原貴則 糞尿 カウパー 偽装請負 ろりこん 溜まり場 悪徳商法 取引停止図柄 AIDS
原 貴則 悪質 オウム セクハラ 個人情報流出 ショタコン 茶臼 マザーコンプレックス ブラック企業
0085Mr.anonymous2020/06/21(日) 21:39:10.78ID:???
 r ‐、
      | ○ |         r‐‐、
     _,;ト - イ、      ∧l☆│∧   良い子の諸君!
    (⌒`    ⌒ヽ   /,、,,ト.-イ/,、 l  
    |ヽ   ~~⌒γ ⌒ ) r'⌒ `!´ `⌒) よく頭のおかしいライターやクリエイター気取りのバカが
   │ ヽー―'^ー-'  ( ⌒γ ⌒~~ / 「誰もやらなかった事に挑戦する」とほざくが
   │  〉    |│  |`ー^ー― r' |  大抵それは「先人が思いついたけどあえてやらなかった」ことだ
   │ /───| |  |/ |  l  ト、 |  王道が何故面白いか理解できない人間に面白い話は
   |  irー-、 ー ,} |    /     i    作れないぞ!
   | /   `X´ ヽ    /   入  |
■ このスレッドは過去ログ倉庫に格納されています
