test [無断転載禁止]©bbspink.com
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0001 転載ダメ©bbspink.com2018/04/01(日) 21:46:28.15
This is the test thread.
VIPQ2_EXTDAT: none:feature:1000:512:----: EXT was configured
0002名無しさん@ピンキー2018/04/01(日) 21:47:20.03
I think terrorism won't disappear.
Although we arrested them who got case terror, other groups will appear.
0003名無しさん@ピンキー2018/04/01(日) 21:47:58.10
I guess british colonialism has important relation to this kind of issue.
Sorry for british lovers.
0004名無しさん@ピンキー2018/04/01(日) 21:48:40.91
I guess he helped is a spy.
All well culculated.
A several buillets inside the body and still alive.
So unusuall.
0005名無しさん@ピンキー2018/04/01(日) 21:49:30.65
Some of the parents made compaints about the reform in their policy.
I mean, do they even need anything more than that to abandon the whole project?
0006名無しさん@ピンキー2018/04/01(日) 21:49:56.37
Plus, according to the article, the school uniform was initially introduced as a means
to avoid a potential discrimination faced by the students from different income.
0007名無しさん@ピンキー2018/04/01(日) 21:50:15.11
But now they prioritize increasing the school's status?
I don't see any consistency there.
0008名無しさん@ピンキー2018/04/01(日) 21:50:50.04
Of course Ginza is fashionable place.
So,The schoo are trying to march school image to the city.
That is also their concern.
0009名無しさん@ピンキー2018/04/01(日) 21:51:09.70
If that's really what they are attempting to accomplish, the uniform shouldn't be expensive.
Poor households couldn't even afford them in the first place.
0011名無しさん@ピンキー2018/04/01(日) 22:04:30.47S
0012名無しさん@ピンキー2019/02/20(水) 23:52:55.850
0013名無しさん@ピンキー2019/03/26(火) 14:12:58.78S
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