
Think today and speak tomorrow.今は考えて次の機会に話そう
he lucky man has a daughter for his firstborn.一姫二太郎 
The devil always leaves a stink behind him.鼬の最後っ屁
It’s like teaching a cat how to catch a mouse. 猫にネズミの捕り方を教えるようなもの
A man is known by the company he keeps. 人はその仲間によって分かる
It needs more skill than I can tell to play the second fiddle well. 脇役こそ偉大な務め(第二バイオリンをうまく弾くには言葉に表せない技量が必要)
He has brought up a bird to pick out his own eyes. 飼い犬に手をかまれる
As you make your bed, so you must lie in it. 自業自得
Better the devil you know than the devil you don't know. 知らぬ神より馴染みの鬼
Health is not valued till sickness comes. 病気になって初めて健康のありがたさがわかる