English board is so slow [無断転載禁止]©bbspink.com
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0001Anonymous2016/05/16(月) 01:16:44.70ID:hwDVLAJb
the english board is so slow (´Д` )
please be more active
0002Mr.anonymous2016/05/17(火) 04:40:06.30ID:GxaVq6+l
coz there is only japanese.
i can't help it.
0003Mr.anonymous2016/05/21(土) 13:02:23.03ID:sJt4IfFn
Hello from the USA!
0004Mr.anonymous 転載ダメ©bbspink.com2016/06/03(金) 06:03:33.29ID:8MoAGAw5
板復帰(OK!:Gather .dat file OK:moving DAT 26 -> 25:Get subject.txt OK:Check subject.txt 26 -> 26:Overwrite OK)0.33, 0.21, 0.15
age subject:26 dat:25 rebuild OK!
0005Mr.anonymous2017/01/10(火) 08:54:53.83ID:cRcRgItw
Hello from Brazil.
0006Mr.anonymous2017/01/29(日) 19:49:11.56ID:uA5nQ8PJ
I guess there's no point being here if you're not a jap or a weeb
0007Mr.anonymous2017/02/04(土) 09:42:16.60ID:McP6msAa
Hello from Chile.
0008Mr.anonymous2017/02/07(火) 20:01:28.05ID:+eeGkUY7
This is the porn "English" textboard hosted on BBSpink. The regular "English" textboard on 2ch is over here: → http://mint.2ch.net/english/

Alternatively, you can find the 8ch.net-affiliated English textboards under the "大使館" section in the 2ch frames/sidebar.
0015Hououin Kyouma2019/12/10(火) 16:08:39.37ID:GOb8ue4D
I came from the future
0018Mr.anonymous2020/02/06(木) 12:11:55.33ID:Uy0f0Ii+
Can you explain the meaning of the phrase "tonight love is rationed across the nation"??
its a phrase of a song. I cant see the meaning...
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